The History of MaYu Natural Way
The Ma-Yu Natural Way Natural Nutrition Center was born in response to:
The impetus that international organizations such as the UN, FAO and WHO have given to the rescue of the different ancient healing traditions of the peoples.
The integration within the national health system of the United States, with the creation of a special office, of alternative tendencies to face the disease.
That commitment of the governments of the world in pursuit of health for all in a short time.
Contact with different native cultures who have inherited their eco-biological knowledge.
Our professional experience in the field of university research and teaching in the branches of health science (medicine, dentistry and psychology)
To be able to enrich this health naturist proposal thanks to the contact with organizations and professional invited friends.
The great opportunity to re-educate the Hispanic people in the culture of preventive health through healthy and balanced nutrition.
Provide some support to the growing deficit in the health of the national and immigrant population without health insurance coverage.
Stimulate agriculture unions dedicated to the expansion of organic products for an ideal natural diet.
To establish ourselves in the future as an educational institution that manages multipliers in preventive family health with an ecological and healthy conscience.
Yuriyu Ortiz Tobar

Colombian (Pitalito, Huila). American nationalized.
Director of the Seminars -Workshop: "The Joy of Living" and "Reconciliation and Forgiveness" given in Mexico, Colombia and USA.
He has dedicated his life to the service of the integral growth of the human being, through his conferences, workshops and radio and television programs ("Moments of Reflection" and "Total Well-being") in various countries (Chile, Mexico, Puerto Rico, USA , Central American countries and the Caribbean Islands).
Business and private advisor in Mental Health and Human Development. Public relationist of prestigious Companies and Foundations in the USA.
She is a tireless traveler and lover of literature, poetry and all expressions of art, culture and fine dining.
With studies in Psychology (Catholic University) and Naturism (Ibero-American School of Natural Medicine-Mexico).
Disciple of the prestigious researcher of human consciousness, the clinical hypnotherapist Dr. Michael Stower (Hypnosis Institute of Texas. Dallas, Texas. USA).
Student of bioenergetics and related therapies. Iridologist.
Author of the book: "The Joy of Living". Edit. Happy world. Bogotá-Mexico, 2001.
Mario Chaves Solis
Colombian (Pasto, Nariño).
Biologist (Javeriana University). Director of the Seminar - Workshop "Bioharmony for a Better Life" given in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, USA and Spain (Basque Country).
He has performed professionally as:
-Independent researcher and guest lecturer at national and international conferences to address issues of human ecology, natural health, environmental education, geobiology and alternative views in medicine, dentistry, psychology, agronomy and architecture.
-University teacher for 15 years (Colombian School of Medicine-El Bosque. Bogotá, Colombia). Thesis director in pre and post grade.
-Coordinator of the "Re-education in Native Food" Workshops (United Nations Agreement-Quindio Food Plan).
-Occupational Health Advisor (Electromagnetic Pollution) and ImmunoNutrition (Ombudsman, Ecopetrol, Gea Colombia Association- Spain Subsidiary and some national and foreign Electrification Companies).
-Power of agro-industrial projects in peasant and indigenous communities (Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guatemala and USA).
-Scientifically represented the Colombian naturist union before INVIMA (equivalent to the United States FDA).
-He is one of the 50 experts in medicinal plants in his country.
Disciple of the renowned Hindu humanist and ethnobotanist Dr. Keshava Bhat, considered the "Father of Tropical Naturism". Iridologist.
Co-author of the books: "Healthy Life Guide" (1995), "Ecological-Naturist Directory" (1996), "Non-Violence Agriculture" (1999), and the "Dictionary of Nature and Life" (2000)

Colombian (Pasto, Nariño).
Biologist (Javeriana University). Director of the Seminar - Workshop "Bioharmony for a Better Life" given in Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, USA and Spain (Basque Country).
He has performed professionally as:
-Independent researcher and guest lecturer at national and international conferences to address issues of human ecology, natural health, environmental education, geobiology and alternative views in medicine, dentistry, psychology, agronomy and architecture.
-University teacher for 15 years (Colombian School of Medicine-El Bosque. Bogotá, Colombia). Thesis director in pre and post grade.
-Coordinator of the "Re-education in Native Food" Workshops (United Nations Agreement-Quindio Food Plan).
-Occupational Health Advisor (Electromagnetic Pollution) and ImmunoNutrition (Ombudsman, Ecopetrol, Gea Colombia Association- Spain Subsidiary and some national and foreign Electrification Companies).
-Power of agro-industrial projects in peasant and indigenous communities (Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guatemala and USA).
-Scientifically represented the Colombian naturist union before INVIMA (equivalent to the United States FDA).
-He is one of the 50 experts in medicinal plants in his country.
Disciple of the renowned Hindu humanist and ethnobotanist Dr. Keshava Bhat, considered the "Father of Tropical Naturism". Iridologist.
Co-author of the books: "Healthy Life Guide" (1995), "Ecological-Naturist Directory" (1996), "Non-Violence Agriculture" (1999), and the "Dictionary of Nature and Life" (2000)
Both are the managers of the products and philosophy of MaYu Natural Way, a Bio-company called to mark a milestone in the history of natural health, wherever its message reaches.
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